Carter County Court Orders 1854 – 1865



page 169


February 1865 Term (cont)


On the motion of F.M. Wilcox it is ordered that Samuel McDavid, Andrew J. Kitchen, A. G. Clay or any two of them after being duly sworn to apraise the personal estate of Samuel Wilcox deceased and reports to this court.


This day Richard P. Heysun came into open court and produced proof of his ability and capacity to keep a tavern at his  house and the necessity for a tavern in the town of Grayson and thereupon the Court refused to grant the permit to keep a tavern which opinion ot the court the said Richard P. Heysun pray on appeal to the Carter Circuit Court which is granted to him.


This day John M. Vincent came into open court and produced proof (above proof written "conducive") of his ability and capacity to keep a tavern and the necessity for a tavern at his house in the town of Grayson and thereupon the court refused to grant the permit to so keep a tavern from which opinion of the court the said John M. Vincent prays an appeal to the Carter Circuit Court which is granted to him


On the motion of John Easterling Jailor of Carter County he being in open court he induced his resignation as jailor of Carter County which was received by the court and the office of Jailor of Carter County is declared vacant.


B. F. Shepherd appeared in open court and moved the court to give bond as sheriff of Carter County and appraring its to the satisfaction of the


Submitted by: Nancy

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