Local Happenings, in short Paragraphs
Other Items of Interest to All.
The Bugle-Herald
Grayson, Kentucky
Friday, September 2, 1904
The re-union of the blue and the gray at the park this week was quite a
success. {See picture of the historical marker and surrounding area
referred to here on the Carter County Photo Page} The old soldiers met
at Grand Army Hall, at 9 o'clock a.m., formed in line and marched to the
Park headed by committee. Chaplain Gee, opened the day's performance
with prayer. T.D. Theobald delivered the opening address. E. B.
Wilhoit responded. The occasion was one that will be remembered by the
old vets for many years to come.
Mrs. Fred Gearhart went to Cincinnati Saturday.
Judge R. D. Davis has been in town since our last.
Cleveland Osenton, of Olive Hill, was here this week.
Mrs. Emily Goble, east town, still remains quite ill.
John and Will Nethercutt, of Ashland, are here at the reunion.
Gene McCarty came home Saturday from a visit in Greenup County.
The trustees of the Buckeye school have dug a well at the schoolhouse.
Misses Isabel Meyers and Mildred Womack, of Greenup, were in town Tuesday.
George Rice, of Columbus, o., is visiting friends and relatives at Beech
Mrs. William Chapman and family of Darota, West Virginia, are here
during the reunion.
Mora Myers, wife and babe, of Dacota, West Virginia, are guests of
relatives near here.
Edgar Gore has returned to his home in Portsmouth after a visit with
relatives here.
Miss Annie Everman, of Fontana, is the guest of her brother, Bud Everman
in Ashland.
Mr. and Miss McAllister, of Portsmouth, are visiting their Aunt Mrs. H.
Mr. Eph Boggs of near Shell Rock made his usual trip to town with fresh
meat Wednesday.
Mrs. Otho Pierce and daughter, Thelma, are the guests of W. C. Holcomb
and family in town.
J. W. Barnhill, E. M. Brammel and J. A. Curry, of above Pactolus were
business visitors in town Saturday.
Miss Manta Boggs, of Shell Rock, visited her sister Mrs. Roy Blankenship
at Beech Grove over Sunday.
Mrs. O. L. Shay and two children came over from Enterprise Saturday and
are guests at the Holcomb home.
Mrs. Mattie Schrope and Cousin Miss Cynthia Womack of Portsmouth spent
the first of the week with relatives in town.
Mrs. Francis Rutledge and two sweet little children Eloise and Clarence
of Greenup are visiting at the Rutledge haven of rest.
Rev. P. H. Hensley and family of Louisiana arrived this week. Rev.
Hensley being called to the Presbyterian Church here. We welcome them.
Mrs. J. W. Glass was in town Saturday calling on her Aunt Mrs. Welch.
At Mr. Allen Roberts, Mrs. Glass is just recovering from a broken leg.
Mr. James Osenton and wife of Russell, Greenup County, have been
visiting relatives in town for a few days. They will soon leave for
California and other points.
Mrs. A. J. Hord and son, John Francis William, accompanied by her nephew
Louis Mitchell, of Glenn Mary, Tennessee, were the guests of relatives
in Greenup this week.
Cresent Temple, No. 3, L. Of G. E., held their social session in the
Eagle Hall Tuesday evening. There were several members present and all
as usual enjoyed the evening.
Mrs. Slack and daughter Bessie of Winchester are visiting her brother,
Dr. J. W. Strother near town. Mrs. Slack is in search of health in our
pure mountain air.
W. H. Blase, the restaurant man, Barber Frank Drake, Col. C. Hatchett
were business visitors at Ashland this week. Mr. Blase bought a very
fine lot of frames, which will be shipped at once. Go see them. You
will be fully repaid.
L. W. Woods and wife are both on the sick list.
P. M. Melvin is some better after a siege of malaria fever.
Mrs. John Petry was the guest of Mrs. Jas. Petry on Stinson last week.
Misses Bertha and Bessie Taylor, of Greenup County, are here the guest
of friends.
Jim Conley, of Stinson, will leave tomorrow for Cabin Creek, West
Virginia, to work in coal mines.
The descriptive part of the Lansdown affair on the fourth page, was
clipped from the dailies.
Born, Friday morning of last week to the wife of Chas. Woolery, nee Miss
Emma Hatchett, a fine big girl.
Jno. S. Haley, of Salusberry, was in town Monday and did not forget to
grace the Bugle Herald with a call.
John Stevenson, Kie Hamilton, Wm. Thomas, are all at Cabin Creek, W.
Va., at work, $2.10 Union Labor, good order.
C. W. Howard, of Millersburg a leading business man, was the guest this
week of his old school mate, J. L. Potts.
Bob and Jack Biggs boasts of the finest crop of tobacco in Carter. We
are told that some of the leaves measured four feet.
Miss Ethyl Stovall spent several days this week with her cousin, Miss
Quince Stovall, who is a teacher in the Willard Normal.
Mrs. B. D. Hays, of Louisa, Miss Blanche and Ethel Fields, of Mavity,
Boyd County, are visiting the family of B. H. Rutledge and other friends
in town.
John E. Elliott, Elihu Elliott, and son Edw. John Elliott, Jr., Elijah
Elliott, all of Elliott and Morgan counties, were guests of James
Elliott near town during the reunion.
Rev. G. C. Hutchinson preached his farewell sermon at the Grayson M. E.
Church South, Sunday evening, for this conference year. He has served
his flock, in town and elsewhere, faithfully, and many are very desirous
that he be sent back for a second year.
Prof. S. T. Pennington, of Willard, who for several years has been one
of our best teachers and a model young gentleman, left Wednesday for
Louisville to resume duties as Professor in the Commercial Department of
the Massey Business College. We are sorry to lose Sam, but wish him
abundant success.
B. H. Rutledge left Wednesday horseback for a trip through Elliott,
Morgan, Wolfe, Bath and Rowan counties, looking after the interest of
the Bugle-Herald. He will attend the Grand Lodge of the M.P.S., which
meets at West Liberty on the 6th and 7th inst., being the delegate of
Grayson Lodge No. 72.
The Carlisle Democrat came out last week in an illustrated form,
celebrating its sixth anniversary. It is a fine Democratic sheet under
the management of its efficient County Judge and editor--as he never
does things by halves. We were glad to see the faces of so many of our
friends, but missed the face of our old friend Jno. M. Campbell, C.C.
Dr. Beverly Jones, the Ashland dentist, will be at Willard from
September 1st to September 14th inclusive, to do dental work. Be sure
and see him if in need of work.
M. J. Dobbins, of Willard, has a good corn mill, and sheller for sale at
a reasonable price.
Note: This section was headed Morehead but also contains news from Carter Co.:
Hon. T. B. Tippett, our circuit clerk is very poorly.
Mrs. Lula Hinton, of Plummer's Landing, Ky., was visiting friends in
town over Sunday.
Rev. Stout, pastor of the Baptist church was the guest of Prof. E. W.
McDairmid the other evening.
A big Baptist association was held last week on the head of Caney. So
far as we can learn it was a success.
The "Holiness camp meeting" at Hedrick's Camp Ground, Salt Lick, Ky.,
will begin Saturday, September 3rd.
Samuel F. Clark the "mineral hunter" was in town the other day. Ask
Judge Tussey which way he went home.
Prof. R. M. Shipp stopped at the Cottage Hotel Friday night en-route to
Bracken County to conduct the Teachers' Institute this week.
Dr. and Mrs. L.P.V. Williams their daughter Ollie and Mrs. Hinton were
the guests of G.H. Ruley and wife Monday evening for supper.
The Normal School and Bracken Academy will both open Monday, September
5th. There is a fine outlook for a good opening for both schools.
The Teachers' County Association will be held here next Saturday, a fine
program has been prepared and a dinner free served in the courthouse
yard. Our Superintendent is thoughtful.
Willie Havens, Mrs. Havens, his mother, and Misses Alice Daniel and Eva
Sexton went to Salt Lick today in a double rig. Why did another beg so
hard for Eva to go, Willie?
It is reported that Ferna and Corbie Anglin daughter and son of our
operator is very sick--fever possibly. We hoped they will be well
before Monday and ready to join their old class in the Academy.
We made a call on the Superintendent Mrs. Stewart Saturday and find her
very much pleased at the condition of schools over our county. She says
we will have State certificate teachers next year.
Miss Lizzie E. Deal, of 1307 Carter Ave., Ashland, Ky., has accepted the
place of primary teacher in Bracken Academy this year. She will be in
Morehead Sunday, September 4th. Miss Deal is from the Kentucky
University and has fine recommendations as a teacher.
Many compliments have been passed here on those who are in favor of
Beckham County for holding out so faithfully and on those who oppose it
for the way they have proceeded to find whether or not they were right.
We are very sorry indeed to state that Byrd Taulbee, who lost his wife
only a few days ago was compelled before a week's time had elapsed to
attend the funeral of his baby only four month's old. Our sympathies
can command. We must all sooner or later meet the "pale-face foe" of
Prof. Sam J. Sparks returned Friday night from West Liberty where he
spent the week among the Morgan County teachers. While there he was
very much pleased to see some of the Braken Academy pupils granted
first-class certificates. He says the outlook from Morgan is really
flattering and that he thinks he can give the Superintendent of Morgan
some State teachers next year as well as Rowan.
Prof. Sparks says he will not be "outdone" after all, as they have
failed to get the dormitory up for this year. He is arranging for
dormitories to be run close to the school. Some large houses will be
rented and a matron employed for each one. Board will be different
prices at the different places, thus giving the students of the Academy
a chance to get what they want in the way of board as well as in
everything else in the school.
Charlotte Furnace (a/k/a Iron Hill):
Croquet playing was rather dull Sunday owing to the colored camp meeting
at Carter.
Ed Clifton and wife, of Louisiana, who have been visiting relatives have
returned home Wednesday.
Ask Walter Huffman if he attended the colored camp meeting at Carter
Saturday night.
Clyde Huffman who has been spending a short vacation at home returned to
Morehead last Saturday.
Mrs. W. S. Callihan and children who have been visiting relatives at Old
Town returned home Saturday.
Allen, Finley and Edgar Huffman were calling on their best girls Sunday,
Misses Bettie Everman, Minnie Brown and Maude Grizzle. Be careful boys
this is leap year.
Wade H. Carry who recently returned from Buffalo and New York is still
making his regular Sunday excursions to Buffalo, that is running some
don't you think so?
The following is a few names of the young people of Charlotte Furnace who
attended the colored camp meeting at Carter Sunday:
Misses Ida and Amy Keaton, Annie and Mary Dysard, Chloe and Ruby Huffman,
Wade and Paul Curry, Walter Huffman, Charlie Height, Prof. W. B. Roberts
and Bird Sullivan.
DeEvert {the road beside the present day Iron Hill Christian Church still runs
through what was known as DeEvert and ends at Everman's Creek, families
living at DeEvert included Wicker, Carroll, Adkins and Forrest,
among others}.
Fred Carroll was calling on Miss Nellie Morgan Sunday.
Dud Glass and wife attended church here Sunday afternoon.
Bro. Rice preached a very interesting sermon at this place Sunday.
John Hignite attended the camp meeting at Carter Saturday night.
James Counts and family attended the camp meeting at Carter Sunday.
Bert Willis, of Everman's creek, was calling on Miss Laura Davis Sunday.
Bro. Hall and wife of Everman's Creek were the guests of relatives on Sutton
Saturday and Sunday.
John Craycraft has been quite ill with pneumonia fever, but is some better
at this writing.
Mrs. Anna Davis and Mrs. C. L. Davis and children are visiting relatives at
Iron Hill this week.
A small crowd of young folks were entertained Wednesday evening at the home
of Miss Laura Davis. Among those present were Misses Sadie and Eva
Forrest, Nellie Morgan, Messrs. Kim Forrest, Clarence Wagoner, George
and Willie Everman.
Olive Hill:
Col. S. V. Bocook, the head and shoulders of the Olive Hill reunion, was in
town Monday, and went on down to Greenup and Lawrence Counties, to put
up the large advertisements. This reunion promises to be the best ever
held at the Hill, and, if good weather prevails, will be largely attended.
The success of the reunions at Olive Hill each year are largely
attributable to the fact that they are gotten up, controlled and
conducted personally by the old veterans themselves.
The meeting to take place September 15, 16 and 17, will be specially a
good one, no doubt, and the(.....?)
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