Howard Johnson Announce For Sheriff
The Carter County Herald
January 24, 1929

	"This week we desire to call the attention of the voters of Carter 
County, both ladies and gentlemen to the announcement of Mr. Howard 
Johnson of this city, as a candidate for the Republican nomination for 
Sheriff of this county, subject to the action of the primary to be held 
August 3, 1929.
	Howard Johnson is one of Olive Hill's leading businessmen; capable 
of holding the office of Sheriff of this county to such an extent that 
there would not be a voter that would regret having cast their vote for 
him. He has been in business in Olive Hill for several years and at all 
times he has treated his competitors so nice they too have learned to 
love and admire him, as well as his thousands of customers, whom he has 
had the privlege of serving during his long career in this city.
	Of course we could not finish this statement fair, without mentioning 
his father, Judge J. C. C. Johnson, who has been a Republican when it was 
almost as dangerous to be a Republican, outspoken, as it would now to be 
a German sympathizer. Judge Johnson stood the battles of the early days 
when he was like the three Hebrew children, that was tried in the fiery 
furnace, stood without a flame scorching their skin, and so did Judge 
Johnson, because his fight was made along honest lines, for honest causes.
	Howard is a man of very moderate means, having learned early in life 
to earn his bread by the sweatof his brow, he has never departed from this 
act, and is an honest, hard laboring man, standing with the first rank 
when it comes to dealing fair and just with all men. His business has 
never been marked with great progress all because he believes in the old 
adage of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
	His qualifications for this office is not excelled in this or any 
other county of the state as far as that is concerned, and his reputation 
together with this being equal to any person that could announce, he asks 
that you give his candidacy due consideration, with a guarantee that if 
nominated and elected he will give the county one of the best administrations, 
upholding the laws of the land, and preserving the happiness of each and 
every home and public place in it, as a reward. He pleads for a share of 
your patronage."

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