Society & Community News
Carter County Herald
August 1, 1935

	A large host of interested friends were surprised Saturday evening to learn of the marriage of
Mr. "Rip" Arney Tackett of Globe, and Miss Alma Ernst of Grahn, which took place at the
Methodist parsonage at Olive Hill Saturday afternoon, July 27, 1935, {Note:  you can find a
picture of the Methodist Church of Olive Hill on the Carter County photo page.} Rev. Henry
Murrell officiating.

	The wedding was not unexpected, for the romance had been one of keen interest for some time, but
they slipped away so quietly it was a surprise at the time.

	Mrs. Tackett is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ernst, a graduate of Olive Hill High
School and a graduate from the Commercial Department of Aiken Hall and a former student at
Morehead State Teachers College.  She is one of the most popular young ladies of Grahn and a
great favorite among the small children and has had charge of the primary department in the
Baptist church for the past year.

	Mr. Tackett is the son of Mr. Greely Tackett, of Globe.  He is a graduate of Olive Hill High
School, class of '32, and a student at Morehead State Teachers College.  It was during the
Senior year of High School when their romance began.  Mr. Tackett has recently gone into
business for himself at Globe.

	Their many friends wish for them many years of happiness together.  They expect to make their
home in Olive Hill.

	The Horton Family Reunion and Basket Dinner will be held at Carter Caves Sunday, August 11,
1935. All relatives are cordially invited to join us.  Bring a well-filled basket and help us to
make it a big day.    W. .LEWIS HORTON, HERMAN HORTON, WICK H. STROTHER, Committee.

	Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hendrickson entertained last Thursday afternoon to a birthday party, honoring
their son, Billy Dan, on his seventh birthday. Games wee played during the afternoon hours, and
refreshments of ice cream and cake were served to the following guests:  Little Missess Betty
Lou Williams, Barbara Ruley, Marcelia Joan Rice, Yvonne, Elaine and Floris Lyon, Dotty Lou
Fultz, Hazel Cartwright, Barbara Christian, Jean Tabor, Osenton Twins, Bendall McClave,
Geraldine Rice; Masters Billy Dan Henderickson, guest of honor, Charles Edward Williams, Johnny
Clayton, Houston Lewis, Gorman Lee and Walter Ruley, Jr., Virgil Ray Rice, Billy and Jimmie
Cartwright and Pat McClave; Mrs. Walter Ruley, Mrs. Coy Rice and Mrs. Bill Rice.

	The Selby Shoe Company's softball team of Ironton, Ohio, will appear here Sunday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock against the champion Qualls team.  Bruce Stidham, who beat the Selby crew in
Ashland for the Gulfprides and allowed no hits, will probably go on the mound again Sunday.
The visitors put up a fine battle in Ashland before, losing 5-1 in their first night fame and
have plainly said they would beat the Gulfprides in a daytime contest.  This melee is sure to be
a fast, interesting tilt, and is part of the program to make Olive Hill realize that softball is
a fine game and worthy of everyone's patronage and support.

	Mrs. Florence Duval-Scott born in Vanceburg, Lewis County, Kentucky, on December 19, 1877,
passed to her reward at her home at McGlone, four miles east of this city July 29, 1935, at the
age of 57 years, 7 months and 20 days, after a lingering illness of years' duration, but which
was not considered so serious until a few months ago, and which gradually grew worse from day to
day until the end came, although all that medical skill and the hands of friends and loved ones
could do was done.

	In 1900 she was united in marriage to Walter Scott and moved to McGlone, where she lived until
her death.  She was always a good woman, and in early life she united with the Church of God and
lived a devoted life for the cause of her Maker and with those whom she mixed and mingled her
life was a light beaming forth for her associates to follow on with her.  Mrs. Scott let the
testimony that she was prepared to go, and welcomed the hour when Jesus would take her home.
Funeral services were conducted at the home Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Bob Kell, after which the
remains were brought to the family burying ground east of this city {Olive Hill} and laid to
rest.  She leaves her husband, Walter Scott, two brothers, Chas. F. And August Duval, and Mrs.
Annie Walters of Cincinnati, O., besides a host of relatives and friends.

	Miss Sabra Holbrooks visited her sister, Mrs. G. C. Zornes, at Portsmouth, O., over the weekend.

	Mrs. C. M. McGuire and Miss Ora Lee Boggs {1999 Note:  Ora Lee Boggs Lowrance is now a resident
of Woodland Oaks Nursing Home in Ashland} of this city, and Miss Cleo McGuire, of Grayson, were
visiting in Ashland over the weekend.

	Misses Blanche Crawford and Gertrude Edison were visiting Misses Altha and Irene Jesse at
Grayson, and attended the Fair.

	Misses Opal Coleman and Edna Edison spent the weekend with friends in Grayson.

	Miss Marjorie Boggs, of Grayson, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Boggs, Tuesday evening.

	Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Coleman spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. DeHart, on Ben's Run,

	Mrs. Ercel Fielding entertained for dinner Wednesday, Mrs. Charles Oppenheimer and son, Carl,
of Prestonsburg.

	Mrs. J. P. Saulsberry and daughter, Alice Joy, accompanied by Miss Marguerite Fielding were
shopping in Ashland, Friday.

	Misses Lillian Coleman and Edna Edison spent the day Sunday with Miss Flora Perkins in Grayson.

	Miss Henrietta Green returned to her home at Ashland Tuesday, after a visit with Mrs. Fayette
Young and Mrs. Charles Cosenza.

	Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Cornet and daughter, Miss Madge, of Ashland spent Sunday night with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilcox Ward.

	Woodrow Mobley returned last week from Greenup, where he had been visiting relatives and friends
for the past few weeks.

	Mrs. Charles Cosenza and son, Charlie Joe, Mrs. Fayette Young and niece marry Selma, and Mrs.
George Saulsberry were shopping in Ashland Tuesday.

	Miss Iris Prather, of Grahn-Aden Road, who spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Tabor and
daughter, Freddee Louise, returned to her home Tuesday.

	Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McKinley returned to their home in New York last week, after a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Wilson.  Miss Virginia remained for a longer visit.

	Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Carpenter and son, Harry, returned home Saturday, after a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Irley Greenhill, at Portsmouth.

	Mrs. Pear Cooper and daughter, Miss Lucille, of Morehead, visited Mrs. Wilcox Ward here Thursday.

	Miss Doris Tabor spent Sunday with her parents at Ross Chapel.

	Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kiser, of Gregoryville, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Short of Huntington, spent the
day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Tabor.

	Miss Clara Gee, of Charleston, WV arrived Monday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Gee.

	Attorney Thos. S. Yates, of Grayson, was here last Friday on business.

	Mr. Corbert, General Manager of the Huntington Casket Co. accompanied by Mrs. Corbert was
visiting Undertaker and Mrs. C.W. Henderson Sunday.

	Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Templeton, of Hitchins, were here Tuesday on business.

	Miss Imogene Campbell spent the weekend with Miss Juanita Weldon.

	Orvil Fultz and friend, of Portsmouth spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Charles Abrams,
and Mr. Abrams.

	Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandiage, of Prestonsburg, were the over Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs.
Lucy Sandiage, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Saulsberry.

	Mrs. C. M. Erwin, who has been ill for some time, is some improved.

	Mrs. J.C.A. Walters, of Cincinnati, O., was called here Tuesday by the death of her sister, Mrs.
Belle Scott.
	Mrs. D. H. Tabor and daughters, Gean and Barbara, are visiting relatives at Paris, Kentucky.

	Miss Edith Sparks, who is employed at Ashland, visited friends and relatives here Sunday.

	Mrs. Charles McCoy, who has been ill for the past few days, is some improved.

	Mr. and Mrs. Val Evans left Sunday for New York and Washington, where they will spend their

	Miss Marjorie Coleman of Smoky Valley visited her father, Mr. E. R. Coleman, at the Stamper
Hotel Saturday.

	Mrs. E. E. Fields and niece, Miss Virginia B. Simpkins, were in Ashland last Friday.

	Mrs. Tilda Deihl returned to her home at Huntington last Wednesday, after a visit with friends
and relatives here.

	Coach Bennie Martin who is employed at Lexington and Danville, was the over Sunday guest of
friends here.

	Mrs. Maude Tompkins and son, Jack, of Akron, O., arrived last week for a visit with her mother,
Mrs. Martha Kell, who has been seriously ill for some time but is reported some improved at this

	Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Raybourn and daughter, Miss Audrey, and Miss Florence Flannery were in
Ashland last Saturday on business.

	Miss Norma Erwin of Olive Hill, spent the weekend with her school mate, Miss Inez Louise Qualls.

	Mr. Harry Prather of Huntington, announces the marriage of his daughter, Miss Geraldine to Mr.
Carl Short, of Huntington.  The marriage took place at Ironton, March 30, 1935, with the Rev.
Malone, of the Baptist Church officiating.  Mrs. Short is well known here, having visited her
cousin, Mrs. Fred L. Tabor every summer.

	Having been appointed administratrix of the estate of Glenn H. Mobley deceased, this will notify
the public that all parties indebted to him will please call or remit direct to her, and those
having claims against the said estate will file same, properly proven with the undersigned
within 30 days.
	Give under my hand this the 31st day of July, 1935.  MRS. B. H. TEMPLETON, Administratrix of the
estate of Glenn H. Mobley, deceased.

	Sunday school 9:30 A.M.; Mrs. Fred E. Evans, superintendent.

	Preaching services at 11:00 A.M., and 7:30 P.M., by Rev. J. O. Snodgrass.

	The Ladies' Aid will sell sandwiches, pie, ice cream and cold drinks at the Armory Saturday,
August 3.

	Minnette Council No. 12, D. Of A., will have its regular meeting Monday evening, August 5, 1935.
Mrs. Norma Osenton, Councilor.

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