State News Happenings
The Grayson Tribune
Thursday, May 21, 1903
Train Wreck at M'Henry
Two Trainmen Killed and Other Persons Were Injured More or Less.
Owensboro, Ky., May 16. -- As a result of a wreck of the east-bound
Illinois Central fast passenger train at McHenry, 60 miles from here,
Friday evening, Fireman Curry and Engineer Matthews was killed, and a
mail clerk and baggagemaster were badly injured. A score or more of
passengers were injured more or less. The train was the New Orleans
limited running three hours late and going at a rapid speed. As she
approached the depot at McHenry the engine and cars suddenly left the
tract. Six coaches followed the engine and tender and all rolled into
the ditch. The engineer and fireman were caught under the engine and
crushed to death. A special trail from Central City with physicians was
sent to the scene of the wreck.
Buried The Hatchet
The McCoys and Hatfields Have Settled at Greenup.
Greenup, Ky., May 18. -- Jones Hatfield, at one time a leader of one
faction of the great West Virginia feudists, has purchased a fine farm
in this county and will spend his remaining years in peace and quietude.
The venerable gentleman is now nearly 80 but as spry and active as many men
of 40. He has been in a great many skirmishes with the famous McCoy family
and always came out safe and sound. A great many of the McCoy family have
also located in this county, but both parties apparently have buried the
hatchet. They send their children to the same school, the adults worship in
the same church and vote at the same election house.
Oil Derrick Machinery
Every Wagon in Wayne County is Busy Hauling.
Somerset, Ky., May 18. -- The continuous dry weather which has prevailed
through this section for the past three weeks has put the roads in excellent
condition and has enabled the oil men to move with great expedition in getting
their new machinery into the Wayne county fields, as all of it has to be
transferred from Burnside, the closest railroad station, by wagons, and almost
every available wagon and team in that locality has been employed for several
weeks past by the various companies that are hurrying machinery of larger
capacity and later design into these fields. The oil wells are making
splendid showing.
A Republican Convention
Louisville, Ky., May 15. -- A republican convention to make nominations for
state offices will be held in Louisville on July 15. Delegates will be
selected in mass conventions on July 11. This was decided upon at a meeting
of the state central committee in this city Thursday afternoon. The basis of
representation on the convention will be one for every 100 or fraction over 50
votes cast for William McKinley in 1900.
Fair Ended With a Murder
Hartford, Ky., May 18. -- The Hartford street fair ended with a killing. Some
Negroes became unruly and in attempting to quiet them Marshall Paris shot Andy
Render dead. No weapon was found on the dead Negro. There considerable race
feeling. The Marshall surrendered at once to the authorities.
Assessments Raised
Frankfort, Ky., May 16. -- The state board of equalization passed finally on
the assessment of property in the counties of Clinton, Hardin, and Green. The
local assessment of Clinton and Hardin was accepted. The board raised the
assessment of farm in Green 2 per cent and accepted the local assessment of
town lots.
Punishment Fixed at Death
Madisonville, Ky., May 15. -- The jury in the case of the Commonwealth against
Garth Thompkins, charged with the killing of Jim Brane here December 24,
returned a verdict Thursday afternoon and fixed Thompkins' punishment at death
by hanging. Both Thompkins and Brane are colored.
Died Away From Home
Louisville, Ky., May 15. -- Capt. William F. Norton, Jr., Louisville,
philanthropic millionaire, died at San Diego, Cal., Friday morning of
paralysis. He had been unconscious since midnight. At Capt. Norton's bedside
when he died was Miss Norton, of Louisville.
Work Begun
Prestonsburg, Ky., May 18. - Work has begun on the new college building at
this place. The building will cost $15,000 when completed. The name selected
for the college is E.K.N. and Prestonsburg College. It is intended to have
the building complete in September.
Present for Academy at Nazareth, Ky
Rome, May 18. -- The pope has sent to Countess Spottiswood Mackin, of St.
Louis, one of his white caps as a present for the academy at Nazareth, Ky.
The cap was presented to the countess in the house of the Missionary Sisters
of the Sacred Heart.
Racer Dead at Louisville
Louisville, Ky., May 18. -- Senator Morrison, a bay colt 3 years old, by St.
Savior--Fredericka, owned by C. R. Ellison, died at the track Sunday morning
of stomach trouble. The colt had been sick for a week or more.
Appointed a Commissioner
Frankfort, Ky., May 16. -- Col. Roger D. Williams, of Lexington, was appointed
by Gov. Beckham a member of the board of commissioners of the Eastern Asylum
for the Insane, vice Richard P. Stoll, deceased.
His Second Attack
Paintsville, Ky., May 18. -- W. W. Stafford was Saturday attached for the
second time with epilepsy, and has since remained unconscious. He is a
prominent merchant of Eastern Kentucky.
Disappointed in Love
Burkesville, Ky., May 18. -- Sam Cheek, colored, disappointed in love, shot
his sweetheart three times, fatally wounding her; shot at his successful
rival, missing him, then calmly blew out his own brains. Cheek was 16 years
Elopers Married
Lexington, Ky., May 18. -- Harry D. Parsons, of Meridian, Miss., and Miss
Kitty Waters, of Jessamine County, eloped to this city Sunday afternoon and
were married by Rev. I. J. Spencer of the Central Christian Church.
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