"Rupert's Department Store Deals in Finest Merchandise"
Sandy Valley Enquirer
Thursday, December 10, 1942

	Ed. Rupert, prominent Carter County farmer, living near Grayson, on January
1, 1940, purchased the Jones Department Store and opened a new store on
January 5, 1940, located on Main Street, Grayson, known as the Rupert
Department Store.
  	Mr. James R. Rupert, son of Ed. Rupert, has been the manager of the store
since its beginning.
  	The store deals in the finest quality merchandise at reasonable prices and
is considered by all as a great asset to the county.

{Note:  As of January 1, 1999, Rupert Department Store has continued to conduct
business on Main Street in Grayson for 59 years.}

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