Methodist Church Was Yankee Stable
Sandy Valley Enquirer
Thursday, December 10, 1942

	In the year 1861, the Yankee troops were stationed in Grayson, occupying 
most of the town.  At the time of the war between the states the Methodists 
were unable to use their church as the Yankees seized possession of it  
and used it as a stable for their horses.  During the last years of the war, 
that spirited Southern gentleman, Rev. John Martin, drove the horses out and 
cleaned the building and defied the Yankees to return.  Thus, services were 
definitely resumed in the Methodist Church of Grayson.
	Parties were plentiful during this era.  The boys in their best and the 
girls in their Calico looked forward to the nights that a party was to be 
held at a neighbor's house, some walking ten miles just to dance to the tune 
of the Virginia Reel.

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